

This Hope


I’m so glad you’re here.

Right before we got married, my husband sent a bouquet of flowers to my office with a card that read “Our love is a story.” We liked the saying so much we put it on our Save the Dates and even built our first attempt at a blog on it. The first business we ever owned centered around family stories and had the tag line “Stories That Matter.” Clearly, this idea of story was important to us. But why?

I believe it’s because God is the ultimate story teller and He’s writing our story in the context of His greater one.

Do you know the story of God? Do you know the story of you? What if I told you that they are the same story? His and yours.

What if I told you that studying His story and remembering yours would anchor your soul in a great Hope that would change your life?

That’s what happened to me. I knew parts of the story. I had what some would call a framework of understanding, but I didn’t connect all the plot twists and I certainly didn’t see myself as a character. Studying scripture changed that forever. Remembering my story, all of it, the great joys and the deep sorrows, opened my eyes to the role I am playing in the story God has been writing since the beginning of creation. Now all I’m doing is telling others what it looks like from over here. Welcome, I can’t wait to hear your story!

What is this podcast about?

  • My life changed when I started studying the Bible on my own. I discovered what it was like to hunger for God’s truth and now it’s the anchor for my soul. My heart is for other women (and men) to move beyond elementary truths about God and grow in their confidence to approach scriptures on their own. In these episodes we dive into scripture using a simple 3 question approach: What did it say? Why did it matter? Why does it still matter?

  • God talks a lot about remembering. In fact, scripture is filled with His call for people to remember not just what He has done in the past, but what He has promised to do in the future. I believe remembering as a regular practice can deepen our faith and restore our hope in a way that is transformative in our everyday lives. In these episodes we talk about why remembering is important and why forgetting is a problem. We share practical ways to make remembering God’s work in your life something you do as regularly as prayer.

  • This one is simple. We have to tell others what He has done and what He is doing. Scripture is God modeling this for us, telling us of His plan for the world through the story of the Israelites, the life of Christ, and the birth of the Church. There is a call for the people of God to tell our stories because, in the hearing and in the remembering, others can see the Kingdom of God at work. These episodes are interview-style with the storyteller remembering a significant season, event, or experience from their lives.